Thursday, March 18, 2010

BODY Save The Planet ~ A Conscious Coffee Cause ~ Apr, 1- 30- 2010

Here It Is, My Attempt To Do My Part In Going Green. I Could Use Your Help, Who Knows Maybe Together We Can Send A Message. I 1st Off Say That Everyone Always Talks About How Expensive It Is To Go Green, Kind Of Like Eating Right, And Going Organic. Well Today I'm Going To Put My Coffee On The Line. Most Of You Know That I PAN Roast Coffee, Also To Be Exact About 8oz Per Batch, Which Yields About 6oz.

I Recently Started Offering My Coffee In Jars, As A Way Of Being Earth Friendly, Also Helping To Keep Coffee Fresher Longer. I Must Say I Love The Idea, However It's A Bit Risky Shipping Glass. For My Local Clients It Works Well, Because When Their Coffee Supply Depletes I Get Their Jar And Refill It.This Month (April) Figure I Should Get A Early Start!! I Will Be Testing  A Recycling Method. I Would Like To Say At This Time I'm Also Looking Into Purchasing A Small Coffee Roaster, Which Will Allow For The Expansion Of My Cause.

Currently My Pint Jars Of 6oz Sell For $35. It's The Equivalent Of About 4 Pots Of Coffee Depending On How Strong You Like Your Coffee.Some Question The Price, However From A Price Per Cup Perspective It's Quite A Deal, Not To Mention, My Beans Are Hand Crafted PAN Roasted,There Is A Bit Of Art ,Skill & Time Involved, Most Of All My Love And Passion 4 What I Do. I'm Not Here To Be A Salesperson, Only To Fill A Need If There Is One. I Believe In My Cause So I'm Going To Sacrifice My Time For This.

If This Proves Successful, Once I Get My Mini Roaster My Prices Will Be More Competitive, To The Going Markets Rates So You Can Say I'm Doing 2 Things At Once With My Go Green Save The Planet Initiative. Right Now I'm Going To Be Refilling Used Coffee Bags, Depending On The Success Of This I May Extend It To Plastic Containers. This Cause Is More Or Less To Raise Awareness, Because Honestly I Feel The Big Companies Can Implement This Program More Easily And Readily.We Could All Benefit From Reusing Our Coffee Bags Even If Only 1 Time. As I Said This Is My Cause And I Believe In It.

I'm Going To Offer 2 Programs For 6-8oz Of PAN Roasted Beans With Shipping Included Will Be $20. For 12oz Of Coffee It Will Be $35 With Shipping, Also If You Send 2 Separate Bags I Will Refill Both With 2 Different Coffees.If Ur Feeling Really Green Send 3 Bags N $50, I Will Not Only Supply 8oz Per Bag, But Will Donate Or Purchase Use $5 Towards One Of My Friends Of Coffee Businesses To Purchase A Gift, Maybe More Coffee, Maybe Something Hand Made, To Do A Giveaway, After The Recycling Is Done. .TBA Subject To Programs/Products Available After The CCC.  Here Is The Good Part And Instructions. For Regular Coffee Bags, You Will Be Required To Wipe Them With A Damp Cloth Inside To Get The Oil Residuals Off. If You Are Using Plastic Containers, Jars Feel Free To Use Soap N Water. I Personally Prefer The Coffee Bags, Because They Have The Degas Valve Already In Place.

I Have A Regular Home Sealer So Coffee Bags Will Be Resealed As Well. I Currently Have 3 Ethiopian Coffee Offerings Yirgacheffe ,Limu N Harrar, On A Note State Your Coffee N Desired Roast. Keep In Mind The Offerings Will Be Based On Availability, But Know You Will Be Getting Some Of The Finest Coffee On This Side Of The Sun.For Some Reason You Don't Write Your Preference ,I Will Take It Upon Myself To Create! Thank You! For Any Questions Regarding This POST, Please Feel Free To Contact Me Directly @ . I Can Invoice Via Pay Pal Or You Can Send Payment Along With Ur Recyclables. If This Posting Interest You, Please Forward To A Friend. Thanks For All Your Continued Support.. Ur BODY Committed To The Coffee Cause ~ |_|Body Go Go Green Send Me Those Empty Bags To Be Refilled!

|_|D Coffee Credits |_|B

Check/Money Order
Johnny Milton Jr / BaristaOnDutY
P.O Box 4
Folkston, Ga. 31537

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Coffee ~ Man Vs Machine ~ So U Think U Know Coffee ? |_|B

The purpose of this post is to try and shed some light on a few perspectives about coffee. It seems now everyone wants to be a coffee reviewer, enthusiast, connoisseur or what have you. I think it's great that so many people have such an interest in such a complex element. Yes coffee is an element, which planet are you from? When approaching coffee one must take the simplest approach to properly evaluate findings. As a saying goes KISS Keep It Simple Silly. I point this out because, the more complex one makes a coffee review, the harder it will be for a coffee to receive a favorable rating. Forbid a coffee receives less than a favorable rating and it's the fault of the reviewer. I always say the bean is not to blame for the way it turns out. Keep that in mind when cupping or tasting a new coffee. I'm not a coffee reviewer I evaluate coffee based on a few basic principles.
Because I roast using a PAN, I have a close up perspective with the bean , not to say better, just more intimate. I say which makes the process that much more vulnerable to flaws. Like with regular roasting temperature can affect the outcome of the roast, as can the amount or batch load you are roasting. For smaller batches it's extremely important, because with a PAN you can under or over roast with literally the blink of an eye. Just last week I was in a roasting session, afterwards I did my normal cupping. I was displeased with my results, because  my coffee was average in taste. To be honest a man with a PAN and average beans is unacceptable, kind of like whats the point in the extra sweat if your gonna produce norm or sub-par beans. After considering all that I had learned about PAN roasting I was baffled, because one of my sessions turned out excellent.
It's no secret Ethiopian Harrar has been most reviewed and also the favorite for lots of people, however my Ethiopian Limu is no slacker. It really depends on the person, honestly of my 3 primary offerings it would be hard to favor one over the other, each of them I prefer a different method, also depending on my mood. Now on to the fun and educational part of this posting, I hope you are paying close attention, because this is very crucial. MOB= Make Or Break. I normally brew in a commercial brewer, otherwise french press, espresso, pour over, open cup etc. I received a small 5cup brewer from my Mom a few weeks ago. I use it more because I don't have to brew a whole carafe now and I can usually drink a pot in less than an hour, after all it's just 5 cups right? Normally I keep a a fresh stock of coffee around so fresh coffee is never a problem. I had brewed a few pots prior to Friday and the lil 5cupper has served me well, however I must note that all the coffee up until Friday was properly degassed, and about 1-2 weeks old. Now anyone that knows about coffee unless you have a train palette your probably wont enjoy coffee right after being roasted, that's why they recommend  24-72hrs. Personally I have and do drink coffee just as in Ethiopia fresh out of the PAN, but there are lots of variables that can dictate the flavor in a coffee. As far as Ethiopian style coffee the beans are ground fine, also the beans are normally smoky in flavor with oily appearance. When the coffee is brewed it's nice n body, but also served with sugar, salt or butter. I don't want this to get into a Ethiopian Ceremony so I will proceed with the lesson.
Some coffees can be roasted light med and dark, while others can only be roasted a certain way to bring out the fullness in flavor of the bean. I certainly try to stick to a bean that is versatile. Just the same as some beans can be roasted different levels and also produce a great beverage, the same as with a grind some coffees can withstand  different levels of grinds as well, without extracting the bitter or the stay on your tongue piercing taste. Now lets take a look at brewing methods, because all brewing methods are different, some are similar in basic principals, but have their own uniqueness.Unless a person knows what they are looking for in a coffee, it's kind of like doing a blind taste test. Here is where it gets tricky, say you use a regular drip pot or a french press. I use these 2 examples because they are the most commonly used. Now lets say you ground your coffee too fine for the regular drip pot? Well the 1st thing is some coffees can be ground finer than reg drip grind, and produce a nice cup of coffee. What about the coffee that can't? Well one must then know what he's looking for in that coffee, or else it can yield a bad result.
I like to think that most roasters cup their coffees and wouldn't just send bad coffee on purpose to a reviewer or a client. I'm not saying that every coffee you get is going to be great, but I want to put things in perspective. I have 2 commercial grinders that I use. Well the last thing you would look for in the coffee is to not be ground properly, I mean that's what machines are for right? Wrong machines have to be tweaked and maintained, just as us humans. It so happened that my grinder was off a tad, so my regular drip was over extracting my Harrar, which really made for a sub-par cup, however with the Limu it was as pleasant as could be.
Because I'm A PAN roaster, the 1st thing I do is point the blame at me, due to temperature, amount of beans in my batch anything but a malfunction in a machine right? Well this is why it's so important to know what your'e looking for in a coffee, also being able to identify something is wrong, and being able to find the problem. So in reviewing  a coffee lets assume every coffee you get it perfectly roasted when you get it. No that doesn't mean you have to like every coffee you try, it just means attention to detail. Had I been reviewing that particular coffee it wouldn't have gotten a favorable rating from me, I'll be the 1st to admit that I feel I'm more coffee than anyone I know, but I make mistakes just as all humans do. The important thing is to be open when tasting a coffee try it a few different ways, after all it is coffee. Just trying a coffee in the french press to me is just like saying we are all the same. Well I know that's not true, because I'm the only one hold this PAN down. I will be posting another follow-up to this post. Sorry for the length of this, some times it's hard to say what needs to be said when I have coffee on my mind. Enjoy and happy reviewing! |_|B